Thermal Insulation

Our thermal insulation engineers are fully trained and work to a high standard. They have a large scope of experience having worked on many projects from pipework, valves and flanges to vessels and ducting. So no matter what the task we have the solution to carry it out both effectively and safely.

                Our Insulation services can provide the following solutions:

  • Fire Protection
  • Increasing safety around the workplace/site
  • Heat Loss reduction
  • Effective Acoustic/Sound reduction
  • Cryogenic insulation to stop freezing and condensation

It’s not just new insulation services we offer. We can also remove old insulation and provide maintenance/repairs to meet your needs and budget.

We work with all fibrous, foam and cellular insulations. The type of insulation needed will vary depending on the purpose.

As well as these we specialize in manufacturing, then fitting or supplying insulation jackets. These are both a highly effective type of insulation and are removable which makes them convenient for the client because of quick easy access to the system covered. Our insulation jackets can be made from a wide range of materials to suit different environments and functions.

Once the insulation is applied we have a wide range of different finishes that can be applied for both effective functionality and aesthetic appearance. Here are some examples:

  • Sheet metal cladding
  • Perforated metal cladding
  • Aluminium Foil Finish
  • PIB Weather resistant rubber
  • Mastic and cloth finishes
  • Isogenopak
Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Mob: 07462158201